Introducing Applied Activity Theory: A New Tool for Selecting Frameworks
Appropriating Activity Theory (Book)
Activity Analysis Center: Curativity, Creativity, and Activity
The Landscape of Activity Theory and CHAT
A Typology of Activities [Activity Theory]
The Concept of Object [Activity Theory]
The Concept of Activity [Activity Theory]
A Blog
The Landscape of Activity Theory and CHAT
Blog: Re-learning Activity Theory
Project Engagement (v2): Life, History, and Multiverse
Project Engagement (v2.1) as an Innovation Approach
Activity Analysis Center: Curativity, Creativity, and Activity
Activity as Practice
Diagramming as Activity
Self-installation Activity
Platform-based Service
Thematic Conversation as Practice
Developmental Service Design (DSD)
Applied Activity Theory
Case Studies
Case study: Andmind Group [Activity Theory]
Case Study: Collaborative Learning Space [Activity Theory]
The Re-Engagement Project [Project Approach]
Case Study: TEDx as "Formation of Concept" [Activity Theory]
Psychological Counseling Platform: A Case Study of “Social Moves”
The Concept of Activity [Activity Theory]
The Concept of Object [Activity Theory]
The Concept of Mediation [Activity Theory]
The Hierarchy of Human Activity [Activity Theory]
Andy Blunden: Project-oriented theoretical approach [Activity Theory]
The Evolution of Activity [Activity Theory]
Chained Activity Systems [Activity Theory]
Activity System Plus
The ARCH Diagram
The ARCH of Synergy Effects
A Typology of Activities [Activity Theory]
Yrjö Engeström: the Activity System Model [Activity Theory]
Topsight: Three Levels of Scope [Activity Theory]
Activity System: Four levels of contradictions [Activity Theory]
Pierre Rabardel: Instrumental Genesis [Activity Theory]
Andy Blunden’s vision of Activity Theory
All Edge: The Projectification of Work [Activity Theory]
Advanced Life Strategy: Anticipatory Activity System and Life Achievements (Book)
Appropriating Activity Theory (Book)
Project-oriented Activity Theory (Summary)
Method 101: Diagramming as Theorizing
The Slow Cognition Project and related methods
Andrew Abbott: A Typology of Methods
Project Engagement
Project Engagement (v2): Life, History, and Multiverse
Project Engagement (v2.1) as an Innovation Approach
Developmental Project Model
Running A Developmental Project
Slow Cognition: The Development of "Project Engagement"
World of Activity
Developmental Project Model
Running A Developmental Project
The AAS framework for Life Strategy and Service Knowledge Management
Slow Cognition: The Development of AAS (August 21, 2021 - August 26, 2022)
A Typology for Anticipatory Activity System
Z Lab
Z Lab @ Activity Analysis Center
Anticipatory Activity System (AAS) and A Possible Book
The AAS framework for Life Strategy and Service Knowledge Management
Slow Cognition: The Development of AAS (August 21, 2021 - August 26, 2022)
Slow Cognition: The Ecological Practice Approach in Feb 2020