Founder of CALL (Creative Action Learning Lab), information architect, knowledge curator.
The ARCH of Synergy Effects
We can also apply the ARCH model to discuss Synergy Effects between knowledge centers. Also, we can use Thematic Landscape Map to discover Synergy Effects.
In order to discuss the outcome of knowledge production around a particular theme, I coined the term "Thematic Landscape" which refers to a landscape of personal explicit knowledge and related activities.
Slow Cognition: The Ecological Practice Approach in Feb 2020
In Feb 2020, I wrote a 160-page private document titled Life Theory.
Slow Cognition: The Development of AAS (August 21, 2021 - August 26, 2022)
One diagram with nine moves. This is the historical development of the Anticipatory Activity System (AAS) in the past 12 months.
The AAS framework for Life Strategy and Service Knowledge Management
The AAS framework for Life Strategy and Service Knowledge Management.
The ARCH Diagram
In 2020, I used the ARCH diagram to curate Alan P. Fiske's Relational Models Theory and Clay Spinuzzi’s typology of Activity.
Andrew Abbott: A Typology of Methods
Andrew Abbott introduces a typology of methods in his 2004 book Methods of Discovery: Heuristics for the Social Sciences.
The Slow Cognition Project and related methods
I use Slow Cognition to describe my favorite methods such as Howard E. Gruber’s evolving systems approach to creative work.
Running A Developmental Project
Running A Developmental Project is a project-oriented possible practice.