Founder of CALL (Creative Action Learning Lab), information architect, knowledge curator.
World of Activity #2: Oliver Ding's Project Engagement in 2024
In this annual review, I will use the terms Projects, Sub-projects, and Meta-projects to analyze and reflect on my Project Engagement in 2024.
The Landscape of Project Engagement (v3.1, 2024)
This article utilizes the Knowledge Discovery Canvas to represent the landscape of the Project Engagement Approach (v3.1) and introduces a set of entities within the large knowledge enterprise.
World of Activity #1: Exploring the theme of "Supportive Life Development"
This article is part of the World of Activity series on the Activity Analysis site. In this series, we use the World of Activity toolkit as a creative heuristic to explore new themes
The Concept of "Projectivity" [Project Approach]
The Concept of “Projectivity” is inspired by Ecological Psychologist James J. Gibson’s Affordance Theory and Andy Blunden’s Project as a Unit of Analysis to Activity Theory.
World of Activity (v1, 2024)
The House of Project Engagement and Featured Models form the World of Activity toolkit (v1, 2024)
Knowledge, Activity, and Development
This updated logo conveys an essential message: the Activity Analysis Center is not only about Activity Theory but also about the Knowledge behind Activity. This represents the core meaning of the concept of "Activity Analysis."
Introducing Applied Activity Theory: A New Tool for Selecting Frameworks
I am excited to share that I have been working on a new tool designed to help select Activity-theoretical frameworks from an application perspective. This project, titled Applied Activity Theory, is centered around enhancing the ways we engage with and apply these frameworks.
Psychological Counseling Platform: A Case Study of “Social Moves”
People’s social life can be understood as moving between different types of “Activity Circles” and “Anticipatory Activity Systems”.
Self-referential Strategy for Developing Mental Platform
Based on the model of Self-referential Activity, I made a new model called Self-referential Strategy to develop Mental Platforms.
Patient Engagement #1: Activity Theory and Healthcare Experience Design
The Project Engagement Approach to Healthcare Experience Design